Back pain speciality
Clinical manifestations of chronic back pain, such as severe back blocks, pain in the lumbar spine radiating to the limbs, impaired loss of sensation or general mobility ...
Back pain medical specialisation ➔Treatment & Procedures
When you come to EuroPainClinics to see a specialist in minimally-invasive and endoscopic treatment, the first step in your treatment is to accurately diagnose back pain ...
Accurate diagnostics of back pain ➔EuroPainClinics
Specialized minimally invasive and endoscopic back treatment facilities are highly specialized medical institutions of an independent network under the EuroPainClinics brand ...
More about EuroPainClinics ➔Welcome to EuroPainClinics
We are specialists in the treatment of back and spine pain, and pain of the large jointsWe provide scientifically proven and patient-friendly pain treatment using unique minimally invasive and endoscopic procedures, which are among the most advanced in the field of interventional pain management. More than five thousand successfully performed endoscopic procedures are a confirmation of our high expertise and extensive clinical experience for your treatment.
EuroPainClinics Specialists
Meet our team of miniinvasive and endoscopic back treatment specialists

Live life without pain
We can have a solution for you, too!Back pain
Clinical manifestations of chronic back pain, such as severe back blocks, pain in the lumbar spine radiating to the limbs, impaired loss of sensation or general mobility, or back pain that persists after surgery, indicate significant changes that may significantly affect the quality of life ...
Back painDisc herniation
The intervertebral disc is formed by a solid outer ligament ring and a jelly-like inner core. When the outer layer of the plate is damaged, the inner part of the core is pushed out. Disc herniation occurs, which is a common and relatively serious cause of lumbar spine and lower limb pain ...
Disc herniationBack pain after spinal surgery
The main specialization of EuroPainClinics is the precise diagnosis and treatment of back pain with a focus on the lumbar spine area due to an herniated intervertebral disc, and the treatment of back pain after spinal surgery. If your health problems are related to this issue, contact our specialists ...
Back pain after spinal surgeryLumbar spine pain
The main specialization of EuroPainClinics is the precise diagnosis and treatment of back and lower limb pain using a wide range of procedures, especially in patients with pain caused by intervertebral disc herniation or failed back surgery syndrome.One of the common sources of pain resulting from lumbar spine ...
Lumbar spine painSI joint pain
SI joints link the sacrum with the pelvic bone. They enable us to hold our body straight during walking and standing and transfer our weight to the legs ...
SI joint painSciatica
Sciatica refers to back pain caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve. It is the largest nerve in our body, which begins in the lower back and continues along the posterior part of each lower limb. The sciatic nerve function is associated with the lower limbs, the lumbar spine and the sacrum ...
SciaticaPain in large joints
In the segment of joint pain treatment, EuroPainClinics workplaces focus on knee pain in advanced osteoarthritis. The aim is to reduce the intensity of the pain that accompanies this diagnosis ...
Pain in large jointsNerve roots pain
Spinal nerves exit the spinal cord between the vertebrae, which are separated by intervertebral discs. They are divided into dorsal and ventral nerve roots, which further divide into smaller branches ...
Nerve roots painSevere chronic pain
Severe chronic pain is pain occurring due to severe damage to nerve structures. The strong intensity of pain affects the quality of life to such an extent that the patient is unable to perform normal everyday activities. It is very often associated with mental problems and suicidal tendencies ...
Severe chronic painEuroPainClinics in numbers
Our extensive experience and top expertise for your successful treatmentSpecialized departments of the Clinic of Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Back Treatment EuroPainClinics provides treatment using innovative and scientifically based minimally invasive and endoscopic procedures, which are among the most advanced in the progressive field of interventional pain management. All services provided are based on the knowledge of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and follow the international standards of SIS (Spine Intervention Society) and WIP (World Institute of Pain). The advantage of our workplaces is a comprehensive approach to patient treatment - a comprehensive health care system from outpatient examination to surgery, which saves patient time and speeds up the entire treatment process.
Read more about EuroPainClinics