Clinical research

Clinical research

Clinical trials are an integral part of EuroPainClinics® research and scientific activities. The research builds on medical practice, while monitoring and comparing the results of our as well as partner domestic and foreign workplaces.

The aim of clinical trials is the systematic collection and classification of data from patients undergoing treatment at EuroPainClinics® workplaces and their objective analysis. The results of the EuroPainClinics® studies will allow the comparison with studies from other European and global clinics, making them a significant scientific contribution to improving medical practices and apply them in accordance with evidence-based medicine (EBM), which uses the most accurate current evidence, when deciding on the treatment of a patient.

The project is currently underway at 7 sites (in Prague and the Slovak Republic) and includes 5 studies that are registered in the international registration database PRS, U.S. National Institutes of Health and other studies in the process of preparation.

The clinical trials project is under the auspices of the non – profit organization EuroPainClinics from. 

EuroPainClinics®Study I (EPCS I)

The study is focused on clinical research of the treatment method of periradicular therapy (PRT) as a treatment of root syndromes caused by nerve root compression by various pathological processes. These are most often patients with protrusion, herniation, or intervertebral disc prolapse.

EuroPainClinics®Study II (EPCS II)

The study objectifies the benefit of minimally invasive endoscopic epiduroscopy in patients with back pain after one or more spinal surgeries with the so-called Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS).

EuroPainClinics®Study III (EPCS III)

The aim of the study is to objectify the benefit of minimally invasive endoscopic technique in patients with vertebrogenic algic syndrome after performing Disc FX on an intervertebral disc.

EuroPainClinics®Study IV (EPCS IV)

The study is focused on clinical research of minimally invasive radiofrequency denervation of facet joints.

EuroPainClinics®Study V (EPCS V)

The subject of the study is the clinical benefit of minimally invasive endoscopic discectomy.

EuroPainClinics® Study VI (EPCS VI)

The aim of the EPCS VI study project will be to compare the clinical condition of patients with spinal surgery failure syndrome as a treatment procedure – failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) after spinal cord stimulator implantation. This study is planned in cooperation with the Neurosurgical Clinic of the Hospital of St. Michael in Bratislava.

EuroPainClinics® Study VII (EPCS VII)

The aim of the EPCS VII study project is to retrospectively compare changes in the clinical status and quality of life in patients with chronic back pain after 12 months, who underwent endoscopic epiduroscopic surgery.

The clinical study is approved by the Regional Hospital Ethics Committee under the number 1/2019VUSCH and registered in the international database of the National Health Service USA. PRS: NCT03916666.

EuroPainClinics® Study VIII (EPCS VIII)

The forthcoming multicenter prospective observational comparative study EuroPainClinics Study VIII (EPCS VIII) will focus on clinical research that will compare the advantages and limitations of endoscopic and open approaches in spinal foraminoplasty.

EuroPainClinics® Study IX. (EPCS IX)

A non-interventional, prospective observational study focused on data collection and comparison of interventional pain management spinal techniques: 1. epiduroscopy, 2. epidural adhesiolysis with navigable catheter (Racz catheter) and 3. pressure caudal block.

EuroPainClinics® Study XI (EPCS XI)

Importance of participation in clinical trials

By participating in EuroPainClinics® clinical trials, patients are significantly involved in a public benefit project with a significant social impact. The studies are completely anonymous, the protection of personal data, privacy and health information of patients are absolutely guaranteed.

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